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Esas Holding is the controlling shareholder of Pegasus. Esas Holding is a holding company founded in 2000 by Şevket SABANCI and his family and as of December 31, 2014 has investments in the aviation, retail and entertainment, healthcare, food and real estate sectors in and outside of Turkey. Esas Holding is fully owned by Şevket SABANCI and the members of his family.

The table below lists information relating to the current direct subsidiaries and joint ventures of Pegasus. Pegasus currently does not have any indirect subsidiaries or joint ventures.

Name of the companyCountry of Registration and operationIssued Capital Nominal Shareholding Share PercentageAffiliation with Pegasus
PIN LABU.S.A. / Collaboration for and development of applicable aviation technology and software solutions$150.000$150.000100%Joint Venture
Pegasus Uçuş Eğitim Merkezi A.Ş. (PUEM) (in liquidation)T.C. / Simulated flight trainingTL200.00098.80049,40%Joint Venture
Hitit Bilgisayar Hizmetleri A.Ş.T.C. / Information Technologies SolutionsTL127.500.000TL46.939.89336,82%Joint Venture
Pegasus Havacılık Teknolojileri ve Ticaret A.Ş.T.C. / Simulated flight trainingTL100.000LT100.000100%Subsidiary